Author: Jay Mindeman

Jay Mindeman is the award winning creative director at Anchor Marketing. He is responsible for writing a good portion of the content that the agency produces. He also oversees graphic design and web development. In addition to his work at Anchor, Jay teaches communication at North Dakota's largest university.
What’s In Your Hot Dog?

I’m not a vegetarian, but thanks to a runaway cholesterol score, I am on the way. I eat very little meat, and no red meat at all. I have learned to adapt, and I can honestly say that I almost never covet the steaks that my wife gets at restaurants now and then. But I… Read more »

The Best Actress You’ve Never Seen

Have you ever heard of Tatiana Maslany? Probably not, even though she finally won an Emmy award in 2016. Have you ever heard of Orphan Black? Probably not, even though it has been in production since 2012. In both cases, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. Literally. So I’ll tell you. Orphan Black is a program… Read more »

iHeart Failure: Can Radio Be Saved?

There was a time when Clear Channel Communications ruled the world. It was a mega media company, wheeling and dealing through almost every part of the music business, from radio stations to streaming services to ticket sales and artist management at one time or another. Remember when it famously crushed the Dixie Chicks insurrection of 2003 under its… Read more »

Cosmo And The New Journalism

We’ve seen the death of old school print journalism coming for a while now. The mobile web has created a society of citizen journalists, and now that we can write and shoot the news ourselves (“Officer, could you be a dear and tase him again under the streetlight? The shadows on that last take were awful.”),… Read more »

Facebook Monsters We Create

Ever hear of Flow magazine? Maybe it’s not ringing a bell. But if you use Facebook, you may recall seeing posts like “The 6 cancer causers in your home you need to get rid of!” or “The most common form of stress these days is dealing with fake people who can’t be trusted” or the… Read more »

Journey In Concert: What I Learned

I love rock music, especially when it features a skilled guitar player (a music teacher introduced me to Hendrix and once I’d heard “All Along The Watchtower” I never looked back). Over the years, I’ve been to a good number of concerts and been privileged to see some of the greatest guitarists of our time: Eddie… Read more »

I Was A Bad College Basketball Player (For One Afternoon)

Throughout my life, I have learned humility the old-fashioned way: by being humiliated. I was an OK high school basketball player. I wasn’t good, but I wasn’t terrible, either (though I still recall overhearing my coach telling someone that I “was convinced that I was Magic Johnson.” It wasn’t meant as a compliment). I was a… Read more »