Anchor Ideas

Do You Have Bouncing QR Code Guts?

During professional football’s 2022 “big game” (don’t try to say anything else, or you’ll hear from Roger Goodell and his lawyers), we saw Coinbase spend $14 million to run sixty seconds of weird music and a bouncing QR code (you can watch it on YouTube here). Viewers were transfixed – not by how awesome the… Read more »

What Will The Web Do Without Cookies?

It’s a question that pretty much every business on the internet is asking. However, most of them are asking it very quietly for two reasons: First, they don’t want anybody to panic. Second, they don’t know the answer. Just in case you think I’m talking about Oreos or Chips Ahoy (which used to be like… Read more »

How A CRM Makes Communication Better

There is so much business technology at our fingertips today that it can be challenging to know what to invest your time and money into. With that being said, one of the most proven choices is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. CRMs are software packages that store and manage a company’s customer contact information. When used correctly,… Read more »

Don’t Count On Osmosis For Employee Training

It’s a running joke for many business leaders that much of what they know they learned via osmosis. By strict definition, osmosis is about molecules and membranes, but what we’re talking about is the process of gradually assimilating knowledge. In short, if you’re around something enough, you’ll eventually learn about it. Osmosis is a clever… Read more »

Snapchat Gives Brands Public Profiles

Recently, Snapchat started to allow businesses to utilize Public Profiles (after an extended period of testing). Snapchat Public Profiles allow brands / companies to build a permanent presence on Snapchat. Businesses can now create a profile that has content highlights for the world to see, along with any augmented reality (AR) lenses they’ve created for… Read more »

How Dirty Are Your Eyeglasses?

Contact lenses hurt my eyes. I wore them when I was younger because I thought I needed to, so I’d struggle through eight hours of work or school then rip them out of my bloodshot eyes the minute I got home. I kept wearing them to play basketball, but when I retired my weekend warrior… Read more »

Finding Leads With Facebook And Instagram

Typically, I would consider Facebook and Instagram to be best suited for B2C companies, and so would many others. B2C has shorter buyer journeys than B2B, which makes it easy to see an immediate impact when running something like a retargeting campaign. As we know, B2B buyer journeys can last months and sometimes years depending… Read more »