Back in the mid-1990s, Toyota developed a new ID tag for car parts, to replace the bar code.
Author: Jay Mindeman
Jay Mindeman is the award winning creative director at Anchor Marketing. He is responsible for writing a good portion of the content that the agency produces. He also oversees graphic design and web development. In addition to his work at Anchor, Jay teaches communication at North Dakota's largest university.
I joke with my husband that I can’t take him anywhere without him knowing someone.
I learned something last week during a new client meeting.
Everyone likes to see results, but knowing where to look for results can make all the difference.
The internet is a ravenous monster. It needs to be fed content to keep everyone happy, and any content seems to do.
As a copywriter at Anchor Marketing, proofing is a big part of the job description.
I don’t need to explain what a Smartphone is to most of you. That’s because you already have one.