There’s one thing in this world that can make me want to pull my hair out one day and then crack me up laughing the next. A typo.
Author: Jay Mindeman
Jay Mindeman is the award winning creative director at Anchor Marketing. He is responsible for writing a good portion of the content that the agency produces. He also oversees graphic design and web development. In addition to his work at Anchor, Jay teaches communication at North Dakota's largest university.
Internet Explorer version 6 is currently the bane of most web developers’ existences.
On TV, people will sometimes forgo a lawyer and represent themselves in court. In real life, however, people are much more inclined to let the experts do their jobs.
I have been an avid Facebook user since 2005, when it was open to only college students.
Now that even books are digital, what lies in store for the world of printed materials?
Many great creative messages never see the light of day because a decision maker feels that it could, maybe, possibly, be offensive to someone – anyone.
I spend a lot of time with Google. Way more than the average person. Sometimes that’s good. Sometimes it’s not.