Category: Content Creation

Manufacturers And Snapchat

We’ve all heard of Snapchat (it’s the one with short messages and video that disappear after a short time), and if you’re a business-to-consumer (B2C) company with a young audience, it’s getting easier and easier to utilize this platform with your marketing. However, I think it’s fair to say that a majority of companies who… Read more »

Reach Quality Job Candidates On LinkedIn

There are a lot of job posting websites in the world today, and you’ve probably heard names like Indeed, Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter (maybe you’ve even tried them). Here’s another name to consider: LinkedIn. You’ve always known that it’s a great place for business professionals to network and share their career achievements, but you may not… Read more »

Mergers, Acquisitions And Messaging

If you’ve ever read this blog before, you know that Anchor Marketing believes wholeheartedly in the power of a strong brand. It helps to define your business in the minds of your customers. It helps to differentiate you from your competitors. It helps to give prospects a head start on getting to know your products… Read more »

Why Is B2B So Difficult?

As I teach my marketing courses at the local university, I often hear myself differentiating between the worlds of business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) branding. They are drastically different undertakings, after all. B2C mostly deals with the “now” of marketing. It’s often very promotion-based, with sales and offers and high-pressure tactics. It’s tempting to measure… Read more »