Category: Professional Services

Can A Market Correction Strengthen Your Bank’s Brand?

If you pay attention to the stock market, you’ve heard the experts talking about a “correction” a lot over the last few years. If you didn’t know what they were talking about, we got to see one firsthand in early February. Common sense finally threw some cold water on the traders who had relentlessly pushed… Read more »

Why Does Everybody Hate Millennials?

Talk to a group of business people over the age of 40, and you won’t get a consensus on politics, investment advice or management practices. But mention the “M” word, and suddenly everyone will be on the same page: millennials drive them crazy. The millennial generation is now the most important consumer group in the… Read more »

Choking Down A Glass Of Tang

Over the weekend, I watched Kong: Skull Island with some friends. Not only was it a great movie (Giant monkey wrestles giant turkey vulture? Sign me up!), it had some funny lines. The movie is set in the mid 1970s, and one particular scene brought back memories. The crew that lands on Skull Island finds… Read more »

Escaping The Data Breach Riptide

The recent Equifax data breach sent shockwaves across the financial world. Not only did it weaken the public’s trust in the consumer credit reporting agencies, it sent ripples across the entire financial sector – including banks. Because they work together so closely, it’s easy for financial institutions to get caught in the wake of any… Read more »

You Need A Crisis Management Plan

Recently, I have been doing a lot of work with risk and crisis communication. For the most part, it’s a topic people don’t want to think about. There is a very “meta” quality to it: We have so much stress in our current lives that we naturally try to avoid worrying about future stress before… Read more »

The Courage To Stand Out

Banks in the Midwest deal with an interesting conundrum. The same conservative thinking that kept them out of hot water during the financial crisis that hit the United States a decade ago often causes them to play it safe in every other aspect of their business. The problem is that being safe in finances and… Read more »

Cosmo And The New Journalism

We’ve seen the death of old school print journalism coming for a while now. The mobile web has created a society of citizen journalists, and now that we can write and shoot the news ourselves (“Officer, could you be a dear and tase him again under the streetlight? The shadows on that last take were awful.”),… Read more »