Category: Distribution

Understanding Rebranding

One of the toughest challenges companies face is rebranding. Leaders ask “should we change our name, or shouldn’t we? If so, why? If not, why not?” These are hard questions to answer. It’s not arithmetic so there is usually more than one right answer. Fortunately, we’ve helped companies navigate this process and learned a few… Read more »

Mission Statements And The Blues Bros

Don’t ask me why, but every time I hear someone say, “mission statement,” my mind flashes back to Dan Aykroyd’s character in the film The Blues Brothers. If you’ve seen it recently (or have a really good memory), Elwood tells people “We are on a mission from God.” While he’s pretty convincing, my gut tells me… Read more »

Drones And Distribution

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but listen when people are talking about drones being the future of package delivery. It reminds me of the Jetsons and their flying cars. Who knows? Maybe those aren’t too far behind. This topic inevitably brings to mind FedEx, UPS and Amazon using this technology to deliver… Read more »

Distributors: Amazon Only Loves You For Your Data

Being a bit of a nerd, it’s not uncommon to see me staring at a blank piece of paper deep in thought, followed by a fevered session of doodling, sketching and note-taking. My wife calls this “unveiling the secret world inside Hal’s mind.” In truth, there are no secrets. I just don’t “download” ideas to… Read more »

Amazon vs Google: An Opportunity For Wholesalers

It’s no secret that Amazon would love to take over wholesale distribution. As any good marketing professional knows, providing services outside of products and price is imperative for a strong value proposition. Included below is a screenshot of one of Amazon’s latest efforts to do just that. Note that the testimonials from “pros” are heavily… Read more »

Time To Change The Channel

I work with distributors in several different industries, and while their products are different, their challenges are oftentimes the same. Specifically, I hear frustration about how much time and money gets spent on marketing and branding to customers with few obvious results. Distributors concentrate a lot of effort on telling business-to-business customers their story only… Read more »

He Who Must Not Be Named

In the Harry Potter books, the villain is often referred to as “he who must not be named,” because even identifying him invokes unspeakable evil with a capital E. Lord Voldemort (oops, so much for not naming him) is a malevolent, pervasive force who gets his pasty-white fingers and his weird nose into everybody’s business. The… Read more »