Category: Popular/Viral

With Great Data Comes Great Responsibility

Recent events at Facebook have caused Americans to take a hard look at the big business of big data. As the saying goes, if you can’t identify a company’s product, then you yourself are the product. Facebook never hid that fact, but it took on a more sinister tone when Cambridge Analytics hijacked personal information… Read more »

Ham-flavored Diet Coke

If you’ve been paying attention to the marketing messages coming your way in the last month or so, you already know that Diet Coke recently rolled out a host of new flavors: Twisted Mango, Ginger Lime, Feisty Cherry and Blood Orange. In the 35 or so years since the drink’s introduction, it has never significantly… Read more »

5 Things Not To Say To A Curling Fan

As we make our way through the winter Olympics, I thought I would look at a sport that has something of an image problem – curling. For the uninitiated – or those living south of Nebraska – curling is a winter sport in which the participants slide a “rock” or “stone” (think of it as… Read more »

The Psychology Of Vikings Fans

I like football, however, I’ve never fully invested in NFL mania (I appreciate the strategy more than the spectacle), and as such I’ve become just as interested in studying football fans as I have football games. And when Minneapolis is the closest major city, you find yourself immersed in the purple-soaked culture of the Minnesota… Read more »