Category: Manufacturing

Understanding Rebranding

One of the toughest challenges companies face is rebranding. Leaders ask “should we change our name, or shouldn’t we? If so, why? If not, why not?” These are hard questions to answer. It’s not arithmetic so there is usually more than one right answer. Fortunately, we’ve helped companies navigate this process and learned a few… Read more »

Mission Statements And The Blues Bros

Don’t ask me why, but every time I hear someone say, “mission statement,” my mind flashes back to Dan Aykroyd’s character in the film The Blues Brothers. If you’ve seen it recently (or have a really good memory), Elwood tells people “We are on a mission from God.” While he’s pretty convincing, my gut tells me… Read more »

Can’t Find Employees? Discover 3D Printing.

It is well-known that there is a worker shortage in manufacturing, and I know many CEOs lay awake at night trying to solve the issue of recruiting and retaining talent. As a result, many companies have turned to technology like 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) to address their needs. While this may seem… Read more »

Modern Targeting Still Needs Human Insights

A few years ago, the promise of big data seemed infinite. Recent privacy meltdowns at Facebook and Google, however, have brought many of those notions crashing back down to earth. Unfortunately, some branding professionals in the world haven’t been keeping up with this new reality, and as a result you have to be careful who… Read more »

Dirt In Your Teeth

Growing up on the farm, I can remember times where I was keenly aware of the wind direction. Not because I was spraying and concerned about drift, but because of the direction the dust would blow. Driving an open air John Deere 5020 tractor usually meant that in one direction, the wind blew fresh air… Read more »

Choking Down A Glass Of Tang

Over the weekend, I watched Kong: Skull Island with some friends. Not only was it a great movie (Giant monkey wrestles giant turkey vulture? Sign me up!), it had some funny lines. The movie is set in the mid 1970s, and one particular scene brought back memories. The crew that lands on Skull Island finds… Read more »

Time To Change The Channel

I work with distributors in several different industries, and while their products are different, their challenges are oftentimes the same. Specifically, I hear frustration about how much time and money gets spent on marketing and branding to customers with few obvious results. Distributors concentrate a lot of effort on telling business-to-business customers their story only… Read more »