Plenty of businesses thought social media was a passing fad—something that would dazzle everyone for a brief time and disappear. But as the Facebooks and Twitters show staying power, Christine Whittemore says many skeptics have come to the conclusion that traditional methods of attracting customers are no longer enough.
“They’ve noticed their mothers online, their friends using mobile devices to share YouTube videos, or even a co-worker circulating an insightful blog article about business innovation,” she writes at MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog. “They’re wondering how might this make sense for their businesses. Will it allow them to connect with customers?”
She believes the answer is yes—and suggests 10 ways your company can benefit from social media:
- You demonstrate to potential customers that you are human and care about their world.
- You bring to life an externally focused mindset.
- You to bring to life your otherwise static brochure-like website with a dynamic presence.
- You address in a public forum the questions and concerns your customers have about your products and services—which are being asked anyway without your participation.
- You participate in the conversations taking place that relate to your business, products, industry—and have the opportunity to shape the agenda.
- You manage your reputation.
- You build a customer community.
- You direct prequalified prospects—with whom you’ve already established a relationship—to your website, so you can engage in business.
- You build your digital visibility and online presence.
- You remain relevant to customers.
The Point: It’s really simple. If your customers use social media, you need to be there, too.
Source: MarketingProfs Daily Fix.